Created by ARTBA as a part of the FHWA Cooperative Agreement and the OSHA Cooperative Agreement, these are a series of animated videos following on-site investigations during work zone accidents and … [Read more...] about NIOSH FACE Animated Videos
Reducing Worker Run-overs and Back-overs
Prevention of Backing Fatalities in Construction Work Zones: Final Report
Construction, repair, and maintenance work zones are always hazardous environments, particularly given the dangerous combinations of pedestrian workers and large trucks, bulldozers, rollers, and other … [Read more...] about Prevention of Backing Fatalities in Construction Work Zones: Final Report
Integrated and Automated Systems for Safe Construction Sites
Construction leads all industries in total worker fatal injuries in the U.S. Unsafe human behavior is considered a significant contributing factor to occupational incidents in construction. … [Read more...] about Integrated and Automated Systems for Safe Construction Sites
Documenting Construction Worker Knowledge and Attitude Around Reversing Aids and Visibility Policies
Accidents and fatalities related to reversing machinery continue to be a large issue and are very costly to the industrial sector. Even with the policies and legislation efforts established on … [Read more...] about Documenting Construction Worker Knowledge and Attitude Around Reversing Aids and Visibility Policies
Preventing Runovers and Backovers
Based on more than two decades of government and industry research, this course includes step-by-step instructions on preventing worker “struck-by” incidents through creation of “Internal Traffic … [Read more...] about Preventing Runovers and Backovers
Safe Backing & Spotting
This certificate program focuses on training workers and operators on avoiding being struck by construction vehicles and equipment primarily in backing-up operations. Students will learn to deal with … [Read more...] about Safe Backing & Spotting