A questionnaire survey of freeway drivers in Houston was conducted at six locations: I-10 W, I-10 E, I-45 N, I-45 S, US-59 S, and US-59 N. The questionnaire data were based on a license-plate survey … [Read more...] about Delay Messages and Delay Tolerance at Houston Work Zones (abridgement)
Lane Closures at Freeway Work Zones: Simulation Study
A study of freeway lane closures at work zones is described. It involved the development of a microscopic computer-simulation model. Vehicles in platoons are controlled by a car-following rule. The … [Read more...] about Lane Closures at Freeway Work Zones: Simulation Study
Detection of Work Zone Traffic Control Devices
This paper reviews recent research on the visibility of and driver reaction to various work zone traffic control devices. The greatest problem with advance signing is credibility, since the work zone … [Read more...] about Detection of Work Zone Traffic Control Devices
Alternative Sign Sequences for Work Zones on Rural Highways
Two experiments were done on a two-lane rural road (US-2) in central Maine to evaluate the effectiveness of alternate signing sequences for providing warning to motorists of construction and … [Read more...] about Alternative Sign Sequences for Work Zones on Rural Highways
Use of Chevron Patterns on Traffic Control Devices in Work Zones (Abridgement)
The objectives of the research were to select the most effective design for the chevron pattern and to evaluate the effectiveness of selected chevron designs under road conditions as compared with … [Read more...] about Use of Chevron Patterns on Traffic Control Devices in Work Zones (Abridgement)
Workshop Report: Philosophy of Traffic Control
This workshop on the Philosophy of Work Zone Traffic Control examined two closely interrelated subjects: fundamental principles of work zone traffic control and human factors/behavior in work zones. … [Read more...] about Workshop Report: Philosophy of Traffic Control