This video is part of series of animated videos, created by ARTBA as a part of the FHWA Cooperative Agreement DTFH61-11-H-00029 and the OSHA Cooperative Agreement SH-24861-13-60-F-11. This video … [Read more...] about Avoiding Fatalities: Run Over by a Bull Dozer
Construction Equipment
Use of Flashing Amber-White Lights on Paving Equipment in Work Zones
Safety treatments to mitigate speeding inside work zones is of perennial interest among construction partners. Prior research by ODOT and OSU captured the effect of flashing blue lights on speeding … [Read more...] about Use of Flashing Amber-White Lights on Paving Equipment in Work Zones
Using Smart Work Zone Technology to Improve Work Space Access Point Safety
This online course presents ideas on using smart work zone technology to reduce crashes between slow-moving construction vehicles entering and exiting work spaces and passenger vehicles traveling at … [Read more...] about Using Smart Work Zone Technology to Improve Work Space Access Point Safety
Enhancing Construction Truck Safety at Work Zones: A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Study
Highway work zones are generally considered dangerous, causing hundreds of fatalities every year. One significant task of work zone safety issue is how to manage construction trucks egress from work … [Read more...] about Enhancing Construction Truck Safety at Work Zones: A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Study
Motor Vehicle Safety / Seguridad al Usar Vehículos Motorizados
This manual teaches important safety practices for operating and working around motor vehicles. It is designed to be used in conjunction with safety training provided by your employer, the vehicle … [Read more...] about Motor Vehicle Safety / Seguridad al Usar Vehículos Motorizados
Work Zone Safety: Vehicle Operators / Seguridad en Zonas de Trabajo: Operadores de Vehículos
Each month, about five workers are killed and many more injured as a result of being hit or backed over by a construction vehicle. This brochure provides tips to operate construction vehicles safely. … [Read more...] about Work Zone Safety: Vehicle Operators / Seguridad en Zonas de Trabajo: Operadores de Vehículos