New York DOT compared three models of intrusion alarm during a series of demonstrations and field evaluations across the state in the summer of 1994. Errant vehicles set off the intrusion alarms … [Read more...] about Use of safety intrusion alarms in work zones
Intrusion Alarms
Traffic management techniques (beyond the MUTCD) used to reduce accidents in work zones
Nevada uses the following: speed reductions prior to and through work zones, intrusion alarm systems, fluorescent orange sheeting for all construction signs for improved visibility, and night work … [Read more...] about Traffic management techniques (beyond the MUTCD) used to reduce accidents in work zones
Devices and Technology to Improve Flagger/Worker Safety
The purpose of this study was to identify new work zone traffic control (WZTC) techniques and devices being used throughout the country to improve worker safety, and to evaluate their appropriateness … [Read more...] about Devices and Technology to Improve Flagger/Worker Safety
Worker Warning Device: Intrusion Alarm Technical Information
This article discusses the various technologies used to develop intrusion alarms which warn maintenance workers of moving vehicle intrusion into a work zone. The warning devices were initially … [Read more...] about Worker Warning Device: Intrusion Alarm Technical Information
Work Zone Intrusion Alarms: A Short Course on What They Are and Why They Are Needed
This article discusses the need for intrusion alarms to warn highway workers of moving vehicle intrusion into work zones. The original alarm system developed under the Strategic Highway Research … [Read more...] about Work Zone Intrusion Alarms: A Short Course on What They Are and Why They Are Needed
New York State Finds Intrusion Alarm a Potential Life-Saver
Highway work zones are dangerous places. Looking for a way to make work zones safer, the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) decided to test a new device-the intrusion alarm. Developed … [Read more...] about New York State Finds Intrusion Alarm a Potential Life-Saver